The Government of Jamaica (GOJ) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of the Strengthening the Disaster Risk Management Capacity of the Portmore Municipal Council Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOJ and upon approval by CDB and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOJ shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.
The Portmore Municipal Council (PMC), the Executing Agency, now wishes to procure consultancy services for the development of the Portmore Geographical Information System (GIS) Hazard Risk Database.
- The objective of the consultancy is to improve the GIS hazard risk database to support Portmore Municipal Council Disaster Risk Management (DRM) functions. For the accomplishment of this objective, the Consultant will consult with the team responsible for the development of the hazard risk profile and DRM Plan for Portmore. The scope of services includes:
- improving and populating a GIS Hazard and Vulnerability Management Database (HVMD) with existing and new data adhering to Jamaican Land Information Council (LICJ) standards;
- identifying data sources and data gaps and develop a strategy for the acquisition of missing data;
- providing a quality assurance and quality control plan, describing issues of quality of the spatial data being compiled and of applications to be developed;
- installing the database and portal application within the PMC computing environment following information technology/LICJ standards); and
- conducting formal training of PMC staff on HVMD in spatial data/information management and maintenance, and expansion of the database by PMC.
The consultancy requires an estimated effort level of 45 person days over a period of three (3) months.
PMCnow invites interested eligible individual consultants to submit Expressions of Interest for the provision of the consultancy services.
Consultants shall be eligible to participate if:
- improving and populating a GIS Hazard and Vulnerability Management Database (HVMD) with existing and new data adhering to Jamaican Land Information Council (LICJ) standards;
- identifying data sources and data gaps and develop a strategy for the acquisition of missing data;
- providing a quality assurance and quality control plan, describing issues of quality of the spatial data being compiled and of applications to be developed;
- installing the database and portal application within the PMC computing environment following information technology/LICJ standards); and
- conducting formal training of PMC staff on HVMD in spatial data/information management and maintenance, and expansion of the database by PMC.
- the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and
- in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country.
Eligible countries are CDB member countries and countries which are eligible for procurement under EU-funded projects, which are not CDB member countries.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of CDB’s Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants (2011), setting forth CDB’s policy on conflict of interest.
In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to technical competence, qualifications and experience, local and regional experience on similar assignments. Applicants should specifically demonstrate the ability to develop maps of natural hazard risks database using GIS and delivering training of GIS and management of the GIS database. All information must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the first address below between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm hours Monday to Friday.
One (1) hard copies of the Expressions of Interest must be received at the first address below no later than 4:00 pm on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 and one electronic copy must be sent simultaneously to CDB at the second address below. The sealed envelope containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for the Improvement of the Portmore Geographical Information System Hazard Risk Database.”
Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experienced applicant will be invited to negotiate a contract to provide the consultancy services. GOJreserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not short-listing any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.
Address 1 |
Address 2 |
Phillipa Ricketts-Edmund Project Coordinator Tel: 1876-740-7440-2 |
Procurement Officer Tel: +246-431-1600 |
Only submissions from individual consultants will be evaluated. Submissions from firms and a group of consultants will not be considered.
External Action Financial Instruments and European Development Fund, Rules on Participation in Procurement Procedures and Grants. [ec.europa.eu/europeaid/prag/annexes.do?annexName=A2a&lang=en : accessed June 6, 2016]