General Questions


What can be done if garbage is being dumped in front of my gate?
ANS: You may contact  NSWMA Toll-Free: 888-CLEAN- JA (253-2652) to deal with the matter.

I am having constant disturbances from my neighbours?
ANS: This is a civil matter, also if it is an issue with noise disturbance, you may contact the police force.

How do I report an illegal garage in the community?
ANS: You may make a report to the Portmore City Municipality. The matter will then be taken to the Compliance Department.

Who can I call to remove debris from the sidewalk?
ANS: You may contact  NSWMA Toll-Free: 888-CLEAN- JA (253-2652) to deal with the matter.

What about the night sound system by the church or party?
ANS: Please contact the JCF to make a report as this is a legal issue and requires enforcement from the national level and relates to the noise abatement act.

There are stray dogs in the community.
ANS: For stray dogs please contact the JSPCA at Phone: 998-4997 or Email: 

Who is responsible for the removal of Derelict Vehicles?
ANS: The Portmore City Municipality is responsible for the removal of derelict vehicles, however as it relates to licensed vehicles parked for an extended period, that matter is dealt with by the JCF under the Road Traffic Act

Overhanging trees on private property
ANS: This is a civil matter which must be dealt with through the Parish Court

Issues relating to Smoke & Fire
ANS: This should be referred to the Jamaica Fire Brigade as they have the jurisdiction and capacity to deal with these matters.
The contact number of the

  1.  Spanish Town Fire Dept. (876) 984-2251
  2.  Waterford Fire Dept. (876) 988-7488

Bee rearing
ANS: This should be referred to Bodles Research Center Apiary Division – Old Harbour, St. Catherine Health Dept. at Tel: 983-2266-7 

Fumes as a result of Industrial/Manufacturing activities; manufacturing chemical and/or dumping of chemicals in drains/water
ANS: Please contact NEPA to make a report at tel:(876) 754-7540
Fumes as it relates to matters of health
ANS: This is a Public Health matter, please contact the Public Health Dept. at tel: (876) 984-3318, (876) 740-5065

Overgrown lots with rodents etc.
ANS: This is would be a  Public Health matter as it is a matter relating to one's health, please contact the Public Health Dept. at tel: (876) 984-3318,  (876) 740-5065


How to treat a situation where someone wants to build on the party wall that was constructed by the adjoining neighbour? 
ANS: Find out if the wall is in the middle of both boundaries, contact your neighbour to get the price they paid to construct the wall if it is, as you would be required to pay half of the cost.
What is the minimum step back from the party wall to create an opening?
ANS: Two feet (2”) 
How to rectify a situation where the building is constructed too close or on the boundary wall? 
ANS: Do a surveyor’s report, and then contact the planning department of the council.
How height should the boundary wall be constructed?
ANS: Consult the restrictive covenant on your title, if not stated there talk to the planning department
How to treat a breach?
ANS: First a surveyor report should be done, then a site inspection is carried out by a building officer, and if necessary a demolition may be carried out.

How to treat an encroachment?
ANS: This is a civil matter, 1st a surveyor's report must be done and the matter taken to the Parish Court for it to be addressed.  

How to treat the illegal discharging of stormwater to any adjoining property?
ANS: A Parapet wall should be constructed

Should there be any disposal of grey/wastewater onto a neighbour’s property or any other common area?
ANS: No, if this is being done please report it to the Ministry of Health.
Should there be any portion of a building constructed concealing the share manhole?
ANS: No, the shared manhole should be accessible to all parties and the NWC.


Who is responsible for the maintenance of street lights?

Who is responsible to maintain earthen drains, concrete drains, and easements?
ANS: Portmore City Municipality

Who is responsible for the erection of street directional signs?
ANS: Portmore City Municipality

Who is responsible to maintain parochial roads and main roads?
ANS: The Portmore City Municipality is responsible for parochial roads and the NWA for main roads.

Who is responsible for the collection of garbage in the communities?

There are many potholes in the streets
ANS: if the roads with the potholes are parochial roads you may contact the Portmore City Municipality for it to be fixed however for the main road contact the NWA.

Who is responsible for the cleaning of the drains? 
ANS: Portmore City Municipality is responsible for parochial drains and NSWMA for main drains